What is it?
"Bokeh" is a Japanese word that refers to the way that a lens renders points of light that are out of focus. In Japanese, the word means "blur" or "haze." You've probably seen a lot of images with bokeh in them, even if you weren't familiar ...
After following our tips on how to hang your artwork, next is to learn how to light it properly. From conserving the piece to making it look the best, lighting has a huge effect on how artwork is displayed. Here are just a few tips that will help with the ...
Remember the Technique Tuesday post where we took a look at chiaroscuro? Today's post is going to take a look at a very cool technique, closely related to chiaroscuro: tenebrism.
What is it?
Tenebrism, like chiaroscuro, is all about the use of ...
Welcome back to Technique Tuesday! Today we're taking a look at one of the most basic and essential techniques in art: chiaroscuro.
What is it?
Chiaroscuro (pronounced "keyARo-scuro") is another art term with its roots in the Italian language. As ...