Remember the Technique Tuesday post where we took a look at chiaroscuro? Today's post is going to take a look at a very cool technique, closely related to chiaroscuro: tenebrism.
What is it?
Tenebrism, like chiaroscuro, is all about the use of ...
GC Myers always has a way with words. Come see Michael Mattice's amazing talent tomorrow evening along with some new paintings by Alejandro Rosemberg, Laura Westlake, Brian Martin, Sergio Roffo, and Lynn Sanguedolce! ...
Above: Pamela Wilson, 'Cinnamon Incursion', 14 x 11, Oil on Panel, 2012.
Join us this Friday, January 20th from 6:30-9:00pm for a Broad Street Studio Curated Exhibition: From What I Remember / From What I Forget.
15 of the participating artists will be ...