Happy Saturday! This week’s selfie features the lovely Felicia Forte, another artist whose work will be included in the upcoming Pay It Forward show, opening September 5th. A California native, Felicia lives and works in San Fransisco, painting as well as teaching at the Sadie Valerie Atelier. “I paint and draw what pulls me in, working to create the story of my experience,” she writes on her blog. “As I grow, so does the story. In the end it will be whole. Until then, I work.”
We’ll be unveiling the Pay It Forward preview soon, but for now check out a sneak peek of one of Felicia’s pieces from the show, included below her answers to our Q&A.
10 Questions for the Artist
- Fill in the blank: Paint is whatever you want it to be
- Cats/Dogs? Both, and goats too.
- Your first car: My first car was a 1985 red Honda CRX, we called it the pregnant roller skate.
- Favorite painting music: angsty 90’s rock from my high school days, Dusty Springfield and Nina Simone, Sam Cooke. It varies.
- Your “spirit animal”: well, my boyfriend says cat, so I’ll go with that. Sometimes when I’m out for a jog or a walk a cat will follow me for blocks.
- If you could time travel and witness an artist create their masterpiece, which work would you choose? Recently I’ve been enamored with Felix Vallotton, born on the same day as myself in the year 1865. I’d watch him paint any painting during the later part of his career, as long as I got to talk to him as well.
- All time favorite movie: Well, let’s just say “Amelie,” have you seen my hair?
- Place you’d love to travel to: I’d love to travel anywhere as long as I was in good company.
- Morning person or night owl? I’m both a morning person and a night owl, somehow. I wake up like a shot with my mind going a million miles an hour and I often stay up late. My favorite time is when I happen to wake up at 3AM and I have nowhere to be in the morning, it’s like time has ceased to turn and I am not expected anywhere, I sit by my kitchen window or watch a movie in secret.
- If I weren’t an artist, I think I’d be: I’d like to be a writer, but I’m not sure I have the knack. Maybe a professional pickler of vegetables.

Felicia Forte’s “Dismantling Something You Worked So Hard to Create” –part of the upcoming Pay It Forward show