Francis Livingston
Francis Livingston was born in Cortez, Colorado, Francis Livingston has been painting for 25 years. He is in the top ranks of American illustrators, and his work has been widely published. Francis Livingston’s paintings have been exhibited in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York. Livingston was awarded Silver Medals from the New York Society of Illustrators in both 1997,1998.
Francis Livingston studied at the Rocky Mountain School of Art in Denver before moving to San Francisco in 1975 to attend the Academy of Art. He later taught there for 10 years. Influenced by Sargent and Whistler, Francis Livingston painted primarily in a monochromatic style until he began to study the work of the Bay Area Figurative Movement, including Richard Diebenkorn, Wayne Thiebaud and others. That led to experiments with color and a fondness for the California and French Impressionists.