Carolina Souss
“It fascinates me when art finds inspiration in art itself. Music, painting, and literature represent for me an essential nutrients to plan and to create work. I like to imagine also how a writer or a composer can be influenced by a painting to write or to compose. I often base myself on the sensations that reading generates in me and my big search lies in being able to express these sensations through a portrait, a figure, an object or certain environment that attracts me for some reason.” – Carolina Souss
Carolina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1981. Her interest in art began at an early age. Her first lessons in drawing and sculpture were at the Maria Esther Nievas atelier at the age of five where she continued for many years.
She studied architecture for 2 years and later Fine Arts at the University of Arts of Buenos Aires. After her studies, she continued expanding her knowledge and skills in painting and drawing in well-known ateliers of her city. Carolina has participated in several shows in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Spain, the USA, and Cyprus.
Her work is in the permanent collection of MEAM, Museum Europeu d’Art Modern in Barcelona.