This year, the Partnership for a Healthier Alexandria's Mental Health Anit-Stigma HOPE Campaign will celebrate National Mental Health Month by opening its 2nd Annual Art Exhibition, "Art Uniting People - A Celebration of Creativity and Mental Health," on ...
Above (clockwise from top left): Mia Bergeron, 'Silence', 60 x 34, Oil on Linen; Cindy Procious, 'Where's the Tabasco', 12 x 16, Oil on Linen on Panel; Terry Strickland, 'The Three Fates', 30 x 40, Oil on Panel; Sadie Jernigan Valeri, 'Undersea', 16 x 20, ...
'14 February 2006', 46 x 40, Oil on Canvas, 2006.
For as long as I can remember, the Lynn Boggess piece above has been one of my personal favorites. All the elements that often pull people to Lynn's work are present -- perspective, natural beauty, ...
Above: Pamela Wilson, 'Cinnamon Incursion', 14 x 11, Oil on Panel, 2012.
Join us this Friday, January 20th from 6:30-9:00pm for a Broad Street Studio Curated Exhibition: From What I Remember / From What I Forget.
15 of the participating artists will be ...