Scott Conary
“Raised where the east coast suburbs filtered into the woods and farms, I create oil paintings of everyday objects and places with which we have complicated and often ambiguous relationships. Pulled from their context, they have something to say about how we interact with the world and each other. These are stories of the arbitrary nature of beauty, of melancholy, of fleeting triumph, and the camouflage of time: the mess and splendor of the broken egg, the weed that fights to survive in the gaps of our attention, the weathered door used for generations but now forgotten, and so on. As a child, in my mind if not in reality, we always lived closer to the cows than the suburbs. Never straying too far from the woods and open fields, endlessly I would draw what creatures I could catch and keep for the day or the season.”
– Scott Conary
Click here to read about Scott’s role in the history of still life painting.